
A Red-Tailed Hawk swooped down through the trees, alighting a branch to watch students. I was there, too- walking through Hort Woods after lunch with my colleagues. It’s been a while since I saw a hawk on campus, and years since I’ve been near to my favorite bird.

In parts of medieval folklore, witches had something called a familiar– a supernatural creature meant to guide them through their use of magic. Red-Tailed Hawks are my familiar, always appearing at unusual moments to call my attention to the world around me. When I was fifteen, I had a close call with a Red-Tailed Hawk while refilling the feeders in my parents’ yard during my morning chores. While shimmying the barrel of a feeder up its string, a soft whump sounded from behind me. A chill crept up my neck as I turned- I’m terrified of bears- only to find a Red-Tailed Hawk deep in the snow. She had most likely seen prey in the yard and dived for it, not minding the awkward teen bumbling about the yard in her snowsuit.

This type of experience has been repeated… once, when I was nineteen, I spotted a hurt Red-Tail alongside the road and called it in to the Game Commission. I waited there, directing travelers until PGC came to pick up the bird. Again: at twenty-six I was talking on the phone in the courtyard when a Red-Tail decided to take a seat on the brick wall nearby with its lunch.

Fear is not a part of a Red-Tailed Hawk’s vocabulary. When mated, Red-Tails will guard their territory together from other Red-Tails and predators. If a human strays too close to their nest, a Red-Tail will take no qualm in attempting to scare them away. I ‘ve seen hawks diving cross-traffic to hit prey in a grassy median. Along I-99, they perch on the fencing while PennDOT rumbles by in the mowers.  

The two Red-Tails I see on my daily commute are road warriors. The hills between Bellefonte and State College are perfect hunting grounds. A huge swath passes through SCI Rockview and Penn State research farms. The regularly cultivated fields help form thermals necessary for hawks to travel. Plus, there’s a sprinkling of Wildlife Management Units, permitting nature to live unimpeded.

The intersection of human beings and wild raptors is increasingly in favor of human beings- but there are people trying to change the outcome. I recently learned about the Tussey Mountain Spring Hawkwatch, which has spotted 97 Red-Tails during 227 hours of watching. Programs like these provides important data used to build population and migration models. Simply watching and noting where and when we are seeing Red-Tails, we are contributing to the body of knowledge that is trying to provide a better understanding of our wild neighbors.

I noted my on-campus Red-Tail in eBird, briefly delaying our march back to the office. However, as soon as it was spotted, the hawk was gone, too quick for a photograph. I explained to them the importance of my stop and showed them my app- and continued our walk, as if nothing was out of the ordinary. The moment was extraordinary for me, as my familiar crossed my path and instructed me to pay attention.

Pebbles on the Riverbed

If I could choose to be anywhere
In this great, wide universe
I would choose to be in the water.

Not as a heron- with my life
Rushing past me as toes grip
The mud, which hides crayfish.

Nor even as a brook trout does
Always reaching for the headwaters
Of my life’s flowing ambitions, but-

Instead, I’d choose to be a pebble,
Letting my edges be softened
By the beauty that moves me.

Dannay, Autumn. “Pebbles on the Riverbed.” The Crucible, Lock Haven University, 2018, p. 10.


Writing each day, like this
is harder than I thought.
I want to be perfect, to
spill truth from every click
of my aging keyboard.

Accepting plain words,
simple rhyme, and cliché,
is difficult when I want to be
The things I say to be seen
as pure art, truths from the
natural world: nobody knows.

I’m out of practice.
More thought than actual
work moving fingers to dance
across the keyboard, to
inscribe the little knowledge I’ve
collected into a poem.

Finding Geocaching (Again)

As Winter fades, I find myself experiencing a sudden-onset, Spring-induced feeling of restlessness. In years past, I denied myself the possibility of doing something after a long winter. This year, the feeling has been overwhelming and impossible to control. I wanted to be outside and have a little bit of fun, something local, something cheap. After Punxsutawney Phil declared an early Spring, I started looking for that something- and found myself at the doorway of a new hobby: geocaching.

I’m not actually a stranger to geocaching. I started in early 2016 after finding a cache while on a college-era lunch walk. I would look for a cache once a year for the next eight years. The knowledge of geocaching deep in the recesses of my mind, but it never occurred to me to try geocaching as a regular hobby until Instagram recommended @hullsome_geocaching to me.

I was fascinated by his videos. From them, I learned that geocaching combines a couple of things I like- being outside, puzzles, and exploring. There is also a bit of secrecy; you’re not supposed to be noticed by the public while geocaching. After I had watched every video, I resurrected my official Geocaching.com account, re-downloaded the app, and investigated the map to see what caches were near me.

There are hundreds of caches in my county, and thousands in Pennsylvania. Each dot on the map represents a little, fun adventure. Most of them also represent something unique to learn around me- lots of them are at interesting historical locations, geological formations, and beautiful outlooks. The vast majority, as I have learned, are intended to introduce the finder to a bigger adventure. With a bit of creativity, I can look for caches anywhere in the world completely for free. All I need to do is to pack a little bag, jump in my Jeep, and take off.

Right now, I’m working on the Happy Valley Geotour. Wednesday’s trip took me to the Bald Eagle State Park Overlook, and I spent my lunch break admiring the views. I also took a mowed path to the edge of the lakebed, and explored what I could in my remaining ten minutes. While I ended up being covered in mud, it was worth it. The restlessness was satisfied for the day, and on the way home, I was already planning my next adventure.

Wild Thing

Eyes closed.
Cool breezes wash over me,
songs of mourning doves float
past driftwood and old stone.
Earth smells deep, rank of
fish guts and decaying weeds.
Which is Spring, leading
to flourishing mayflies for the
trout that live in the hollow.

Eyes open.
Soft blue sky stretches wide
touching the mountains’ crests-
an arc of silk that the heron
will cross to nest at the cove.
The water reflecting his feathers
which are grey, the color of
my sister’s eyes, pure in its
tone while mine are
the clay under my feet,
waiting to be shaped.